Inflammation was initially defined as a response of the innate immune system to infection and/or injury. However, recent scientific developments demonstrate that inflammation also is triggered when variations in certain commonly regulated variables, including glucose, electrolytes, pH, osmolarity, temperature, oxygen and stiffness of the extracellular matrix, cannot be reversed by homeostatic mechanisms alone. These scientific discoveries expand the list of potential triggers of inflammation to include numerous local and systemic signals of tissue damage or danger and broaden the definition of inflammation to consider it as an extension of the stress response.
Moreover, it is now known that inflammation does not subside passively but is actively resolved by specific anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution molecules which act as stop signals and checkpoints for pro-inflammatory mediators. The most modern view of acute inflammation includes three distinct phases along a continuum 1) proinflammatory, 2) resolution and 3) post-resolution or adaptive homeostasis. All three phases play important roles in tissue repair, long term healing and return to homeostasis following the initiation of an inflammatory response.
This lecture will provide evidence supporting the most recent view of inflammation as an extension of the stress response, including several examples from current scientific literature and their clinical implications. The development of a more current, in-depth understanding of inflammation provides Naturopathic doctors, and other health care professionals, with additional insights into potential root cause(s) of disease as well as provides clues for medications and therapies that could be included to improve the care of their patients with acute or chronic inflammatory disease.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be aware that:
- Inflammation is now also considered the loss of the ability to restore homeostasis, which helps explains why there are many other triggers in addition to injury and infection
- Inflammation resolution is an active, dynamic, biological process used to help restore homeostasis
- There are different natural health products and integrative medical therapies that can be used to support inflammation resolution and improve patient care of inflammatory disease
CE Credits
CONO: Category A – 1.00 credit (General)
British Columbia: Category C – 1.00 credit
AANP: 1.00 credit (General)
OANP/OBNM: For Oregon attendees seeking OBNM approved CE credits, please note that this event has not been submitted for approval to the OBNM. CE certificate will be issued upon individual request.

Dr David Lescheid, BSc, PhD, ND
David W Lescheid, BSc, PhD, ND works as freelance Medical Writer and consultant providing scientific material and delivering lectures that help support patient care using Integrative medical principles. He also works part-time teaching Leadership workshops to scientists as well as part-time as the MedicoScientific Manager of the International Academy of Bioregulatory Systems Medicine in Baden-Baden, Germany.
Prior to these current positions, Dr Lescheid was a Professor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine where he taught Physiology, Microbiology, and Infectious disease as well as Clinical Care. Additionally, he spent four years practicing full-time in a large multidisciplinary health clinic in Ottawa with specialized interests in the immune system and infectious disease, mens health issues, obesity concerns, and sports medicine. He has been a member of several federal and international committees including the Expert Advisory Committee (EAC) to Health Canada, the Council for Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), and other government and media relations subcommittees.
Dr Lescheid graduated with honors from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in 2002. He earned his PhD in Molecular Biology and Protein Chemistry from the University of Victoria. He completed his B.Sc. in Biology, earned a Diploma in Health and Fitness studies from Simon Fraser University, and has additional training in IV therapies, homotoxicology, homeopathy, and different forms of bodywork. Dr Lescheid is a frequent guest speaker at various international medical and scientific seminars, and has published extensively on complementary and integrative medicine.