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About NFH


The need for nutritional supplementation is now recognized worldwide. Scientific experts have determined that modern food intakes are lacking in essential nutrients. Diets in the 21st century supply inadequate energy to provide vitamins, minerals, and other important health factors essential to promote health and reduce risk of degenerative disease. Increasingly, scientific advances are demonstrating the benefits of such supplements, i.e. folate in relation to spinabifida and neuroblastoma for disease risk reduction. Other factors include the lack of omega-3 fatty acids in relation to coronary heart disease, inadequate amounts of dietary fibre for digestive integrity, as well as the insufficient intake of vitamin E obtained from modern diet.
Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP)
NFH develops natural food-based products which are effective and safe in improving health by reducing risk of developing diseases of advancing age. Our nutraceuticals are selected through a process of careful screening, guided by two advisory panels of world-class researchers and primary-care physicians. The process of selecting from among the many hundreds of available health products starts first with our Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP). Members of the SAP, each of whom has extensive experience in the area of evaluating the evidence behind nutraceuticals, assess current information found in medical and scientific journals, as well as from their own active research programs. Together with their vast career history in the nutritional research area, the SAP prioritises only those nutraceuticals where efficacy and safety are supported by the most rigorous standards of evidence. Then, panel members provide insight into how to optimize the source and formulation of each supplement in order to ensure quality. Members of the SAP provide knowledge regarding preferred daily intakes and recommend only the very top few percent of nutraceuticals available.
Medical Consultancy Group (MCG)
Recommendations of the SAP are reviewed by our second advisory panel, the Medical Consultancy Group (MCG), comprised of active family practitioners with extensive exposure to general practice patient groups. The MCG prioritises the supplements recommend by the SAP on the basis of ongoing demand for each product category by patients. On the basis of the reviewed by these advisory bodies, NFH establishes its final product line. This process sets an unprecedented standard of excellence in offering effective, safe and sought-after alternatives and adjunctives to pharmaceuticals. All products offered by NFH are in accordance with current regulations of Health Canada.