Traditionally neuropathic pain was known to be caused by diabetes and can be induced by chemotherapy treatment. Neuropathy is a type of chronic pain that impacts nerves. It is believed to affect 3% to 15% of the population. Neuropathy medications have been repurposed from mood disorders medications, seizure medications and straight pain blockers. There have emerged 3 significant mechanisms for neuropathy. The first is the IDO1 pathway, the second is when POTS stimulates inflammation, and the 3rd is triggered when there is a chronic infection. Each of these pathways are unique and induce neuropathy via different etiologies. Treatment for each pain pathway will be reviewed and medication and natural substances will be compared. There exist nutrients that when deficient, can induce neuropathy, as can several toxins and medications.
Learning Objective:
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be able to:
- Learn about the physiology of neuropathy and how this neuropathy is present and how it is identified.
- Identify 3 main mechanisms for neuropathy. There are 3 mechanisms for neuropathy, which include the IDO1 pathway, POTS and the immune system connection that chronic infection can create to induce neuropathy. These 3 mechanisms all have treatments, both drug and natural substances.
- Have a better understanding of nutrient deficiencies that cause neuropathy and toxic substances that cause neuropathy including toxins and medications.
CE Credits:
CONO: Category A General – 0.75 credit; Pharmacology – 0.25 credit
British Columbia: Category C General – 1.0 credit
AANP: General – 0.75 credit; Pharmacy – 0.25 credit
OANP/OBNM: For Oregon attendees seeking OBNM approved CE credits, please note that this event has not been submitted for approval to the OBNM. CE certificate will be issued upon individual request.

Dr Carissa Doherty, ND
Dr Carissa Doherty Naturopathic Doctor. She completed her premedical studies at the University of Guelph obtaining a Specialized Honours degree in Bio-Medical Toxicology. During her undergraduate years, Carissa was fortunate enough to be one of the first people in Canada to work in product development with inulin, a complex carbohydrate, now used widely in the supplement industry as a pleasant tasting fibre.
In 2002, Carissa received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and remains a member in good standing to this day.
Dr Carissa Doherty, ND, and her sister Dr Sonya Doherty, ND, founded The Natural Care Clinic in Burlington in 2005. The Natural Care Clinic is an internationally recognized centre of care and education. The Natural Care Clinic team is committed to improving awareness about chronic disease and how Naturopathic Medicine can improve quality of life. Their approach to treating chronic illness has become world renowned drawing patients to the Natural Care Clinic from all over Ontario, Canada, the United States, Asia and Europe. The Natural Care Clinic team, led by Dr Carissa Doherty ND, provides educational conferences for healthcare providers focused on management of complex disorders.
In addition to a general family practice, Dr. Carissa Doherty takes a special interest in Lyme disease and chronic infections, methylation medicine and environmental medicine and has an advanced training in Lyme disease.