Autoimmune disease is common and often accompanied by significant debility and hardship for the patient. A number of well-established strategies are available to the integrative healthcare provider to deliver life-altering magnitudes of benefit for a broad array of commonly presenting autoimmune concerns. The approach described will begin with important dietary approaches reproducibly shown to achieve outcomes of tremendous significance. Attention will then turn to a selection of natural health products that can be employed, broken down into four distinct strategies of action, immune-modulatory, anti-inflammatory, structural and enzymatic.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be able to:
- Understand the pathophysiology of commonly presenting autoimmune diseases
- Obtain working knowledge of human level evidence regarding specific dietary interventions for the management of autoimmune diseases
- Obtain working knowledge of human level evidence regarding a broad selection of natural health products and their role in autoimmune disease management
- Recognize that there exist four distinct mechanistic categories that natural health products can be divided into. Each category can independently deliver outcomes of clinical significance for individuals suffering with an autoimmune disease. Recognizing that a portfolio of natural health products representing the four distinct mechanistic categories will deliver superior outcomes relative to an approach that chooses products from only one or two of the four categories
CE Credits
CONO: Category A General – 1.0 credit
British Columbia: Category C General – 1.0 credit
AANP: General – 1.0 credit
OANP/OBNM: For Oregon attendees seeking OBNM approved CE credits, please note that this event has not been submitted for approval to the OBNM. CE certificate will be issued upon individual request.

Dr Philip Rouchotas, MSc, ND
Dr Rouchotas practices at the Bolton Naturopathic Clinic in Bolton, Ontario. His areas of clinical focus include metabolic syndrome (overweight/ obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension), autoimmune concerns (arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis/eczema/acne), mental health concerns, and autism. Philip is also an Associate Professor with the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), responsible for assimilation and delivery of the second year curriculum in Clinical Nutrition. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Integrated Healthcare Practitioners, a peer-reviewed journal reaching ND’s, MD’s, and DC’s across Canada. Philip graduated from CCNM in 2004, preceded by an honours undergraduate degree and Masters of Science degree, both from the University of Guelph in Nutritional Sciences.