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Monthly Promotion: Gastrointestinal Health


SIZE/FORMAT: 190 Grams

SKU: 1221

GI Repair SAP

Gastrointestinal (GI) health is a hallmark of overall well-being of an individual. Apart from its usual functions of food digestion and absorption, the GI tract plays a host of other roles including gut-microbiome crosstalk which regulates epithelial and immune functions. The gut-brain axis is responsible for communication between the gut and the central nervous system, influencing cognition, emotional and mental health. GI disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), dyspepsia, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can severely affect quality of life and mortality.

GI Repair SAP is a synergistic formulation of key evidence-based nutraceuticals that can help promote GI health by relieving inflammation of the GI and help managing abdominal pain and burning sensation in the stomach.



SIZE/FORMAT: 90 Capsules

SKU: 1171

ox bile SAP

Bile is a fluid excreted by hepatocytes to aid digestion. Bile performs several vital functions such as excretion of lipid soluble toxins, emulsification of dietary fats to aid in their absorption, cholesterol metabolism, excretion of immunoglobulin A and inflammatory cytokines to initiate an immune response, facilitation of enterohepatic circulation including the transport of hormones and pheromones. Bile acids are responsible for lipid digestion and absorption in the small intestine, as well as transport of calcium and fat soluble vitamins. Traditional medicine has been using animal bile for treatment of various disorders for over 3000 years. Recent research has shed new light on therapeutic applications of bile acids and sources of enriched bile acids.

Ox Bile SAP is a formulation containing ox bile with high cholic acid content, that has been used in traditional medicine to help increase bile flow.

Restore SAP

Defense against antibiotic-associated diarrhea

SIZE/FORMAT: 60 Capsules

SKU: 1206

restore SAP

Probiotics have long been studied for their numerous health benefits. Probiotics play a major role in restoring gut microbial flora with beneficial bacteria and improving symptoms of antibiotic associated diarrhea. Multi strain probiotics with various strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are known to be more effective than single strain formulations. Additionally, supplementation with the beneficial fungus Saccharomyces boulardii provides protection against pathogens such as Clostridium difficile. Probiotic supplementation, via the gut-brain axis also can also promote a health mood balance. Strong evidence from a meta-analysis study has shown that probiotics can boost the body’s natural immunity and provide support to improve the recovery rate from infections.

Restore SAP is multi-strain probiotic formulation that helps maintain a healthy gut flora, reduce risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and support gastrointestinal health.

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