Advances in Women’s Health Symposium 2023
September 29, 2023, 9:50 am – 4:15 pm EST
General Registration:
Practitioners: $59.00 CAD | Students: $28.00 CAD (Promo Code: student)
Taxes included (for Canadian residents only)
With our great line up of speakers:
Dr Tori Hudson, ND
Menopause in Special Populations
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be able to:
- Know key risk factors of aging related to POI and surgical removal of ovaries and/or uterus.
- Know the benefits and risks of menopausal HRT in select populations.
- Know the dosage and safety issues related to vaginal estrogen for GSM in breast and endometrial cancer patients.
- know when and when not to prescribe a progestogen in special populations.
Dr Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO
Lifestyle and Prevention Strategies for Breast Health
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be able to:
- Develop an understanding of evidence-based dietary considerations associated with breast cancer prevention.
- Understand the importance of movement and sedentarism in breast cancer prevention.
- Recognize foundational dietary supplement interventions, supported by clinical evidence, in the naturopathic approach to breast cancer prevention.
Dr Carissa Doherty, ND
Laboratory Testing for Women’s Health, Hypothyroid, PCOS, and POTS
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be able to:
- Evaluate women’s hormones through case taking and be able to categorize different aspects of imbalance through case taking. Participants will be comfortable with the relationship of women’s hormones to cholesterol and how cholesterol converts or is transformed into other hormones in the liver. Participants will be comfortable with strategies on inducing estrogen or progesterone via herbs and participants will get a basic understanding on using bioidentical hormones in the women experiencing PMS, perimenopause or menopausal symptoms.
- Identify a patient who exhibits PCOS symptoms and how to confirm through laboratory evaluation. They will be taught how laboratory evaluation will have categorize different aspects of PCOS and the treatments that have impact on the different aspects of PCOS.
- Assess their patients for POTS and initiating different treatment strategies. Participants will be more aware of how the stress systems in the body can with the help of microbes and toxicants, trigger serious conditions such as POTS but have tools to start taking treating these complex cases.
- Identify symptoms of hypothyroid and confirming and tracking treatment through laboratory testing. Participants will be comfortable using desiccated thyroid to treat hypothyroidism along with herbs and nutraceuticals.
Dr Sarah Wilson, ND
Navigating Tricky Hypothyroid Cases
By the end of this lecture, the clinician will be able to:
- Have a clinically relevant understanding of immunological and hormonal feedback loops that intersect on the thyroid.
- Understand the true causes of disease and how they cause low grade thyroid dysfunction.
- Have an easily communicated framework for how the bodies microbiomes, liver health, cortisol and insulin factor into regulation of the HPT axis.
- Have a clinically relevant understanding of what to test and how to affect change in patients with thyroid dysfunction.
- Know clear case examples of how thyroid dysfunction presents.
CONO (pending approval): Category A – 5.00 credits; 3.75 (General), 1.25 (Pharmacology)
British Columbia: Category C – 5.00 credits
AANP: 5.00 credits; 3.75 (General), 1.25 (Pharmacy)
OANP/OBNM: For Oregon attendees seeking OBNM approved CE credits, please note that this event has not been submitted for approval to the OBNM. CE certificate will be issued upon individual request.
*This event will be recorded and available to all registrants.
The recording will also be available for purchase after the event is over.