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Our Assurance


At NFH, we strive to maximize clinical benefit with our evidence-based products and setting the standard in raw material and finished product quality excellence ensures this. All testing is conducted in a third-party ISO 17025 certified laboratory – one of the most advanced laboratories in Canada. All raw materials that enter the facility are tested three times: Upon entering the facility, during processing, and in the finished product stage.

Raw Materials Testing

We surpass the regulations of Health Canada and the FDA by the following:

  • We validate every single raw material lot that enters our facility prior to manufacturing – we do not skip lot test.
  • All dietary ingredient raw materials that enter our manufacturing facility, regardless of country origin (including the USA and Canada), are quarantined and then subject to the same rigorous testing.
  • We do not rely on suppliers certificates of analysis for identity, potency or purity; rather, all raw materials are tested by a third-party laboratory.
  • No raw material is released from quarantine and accepted for manufacturing unless it passes all rigorous tests and meets our specifications.
  • Certificates of analysis from a third-party laboratory are available for every raw material and finished product lot.
Identity, authenticity, and potency – Utilizing established scientific testing methods and reference standards
Specific to ingredient tested i.e. Tandem Quadrupole UPLC/MS/MS, HPLC, UPLC, GC, GC-FID, GC/MS, GC/MS/MS, FT-NIR, ICP-OES, and UV
Microbiology – Total bacterial count, total mold & yeast count, Salmonella species, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
USP 61 & USP 62
Heavy metals – Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, methyl mercury, and lead
EPA 6010C using ICP/OES
Pesticides – >80 tests for pesticides, herbicides, fungicide, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
EPA 8141A/B, 8080A & 8081A
Aflatoxins & mycotoxins
AOAC 993.17 & USP-NF 561
Chemical solvent residues
USP 467
Dioxins and oxidation bi-products (peroxide and anisidines)
Peroxide value: AOAC 965.33 Anisidine value: USP 31<391> Dioxins: EU 252/2012 or USEPA 1613B
USP 2040

Note: Melamine and allergens are not utilized or contained in our facility.